White's Quantum bodyguards in a car chase, and pulls White from the trunk of his car so he can be interrogated by M. Immediately following the final scene of Casino Royale, Bond kills Mr. At the end of the movie, Bond tracks down and captures Mr. One of the organization's moles inside the British government, Vesper Lynd, falls in love with Bond and gives him information on Mr. However, these events alert the British Secret Intelligence Service and the American CIA to Quantum's existence.
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White hears of this and executes him, stating that "money's not as valuable to our organization as knowing who to trust." In reality, he executed Le Chiffre to allow Bond (the only person who knew the password to the money) to remain alive so they could steal it. Le Chiffre loses the money when James Bond foils his plot to short an airline's stock for more than $100 million, and then loses his chance to win the money back in a high stakes poker game with Bond. White introduces Le Chiffre to Steven Obanno, a feared leader in the Lord's Resistance Army, who entrusts him with his money. The film's main villain, Le Chiffre, is a private banker for international terrorists with connections to the organization. It is represented only through its middleman, Mr.

In Casino Royale, Quantum is featured in the background but not named. Le Chiffre planned to blow up a commercial airline flight, simply in order to harm the airline industry and thus influence stock market trends in his favor.

Quantum is not above conducting acts of terrorism directly, though these are for purely financial, and not political reasons, i.e. Quantum is capable of and willing to depose various dictators or legitimate governments to replace them with new heads of state that are more willing to pay off their organization. Quantum is apolitical, primarily concerned with amassing more wealth and power, through various schemes ranging from serving as a third party source of funds for various terrorist groups, to illicitly buying up the rights to limited natural resources in third world countries (such as gaining a monopoly on the water supply of Bolivia). Operating under the mantra, "We deal with the left and the right, dictators or liberators", the Quantum organization appears to be a New World Order power-cabal, composed of various plutocrats, wealthy technology magnates, and powerful members of the intelligence agencies of both the Western and former Eastern blocs (including the CIA, MI6, Mossad, and KGB).